By Erika O'Neal | Bastrop Guide

I met up with Betty and Debra from "Funds for Their Future," a Buyers Group they formed to help first year livestock show exhibitors. The group was formed to help parents navigate their child's first year exhibit experience and to teach them the in and outs of what it takes to prepare for their first livestock show.
In this interview you will learn more about their fundraisers and how you can help support a really g
reat cause. Funds raised will enable the Buyers Group to help first year exhibitors.
If you're a business owner or just a community member that would like to make a donation or learn more about "Funds for Their Future" reach out them on their Facebook Page Funds for Their Future.
Join them Friday, February 17th and help support a great cause! The Wyatt Ellis Band will be performing at Rusty's Walnut Creek Ranch in Cedar Creek.
Tickets will be sold at the door (cash only).
Event Info:
Soda and water will be available for purchase.
Adult drinks are BYOB
All proceeds will benefit Funds for Their Future. A buyers group to support first time exhibitors of 4H and FFA at the Bastrop Area Livestock Show.
Adults $15.00
Children 6-18 $10.00
Kids 5 and under are FREE
Cash only!
VIP Jeep parking for an additional $5.00