Weise Farms makes it easy to eat healthy with our monthly wagyu beef subscription. We also make it convenient with a local pickup spot in your area! Subscribe to The Meat Club today and add predictability to your menu.

Join The Meat Club! Our "5 for $45" bundle includes five pounds of ground wagyu beef each month at a 10% discount off of our regular retail price. Our "$100 Wagyu Beef Sampler" is 20% off of our regular retail prices with a variety of cuts for grilling, roasting, frying, and more.
Our wagyu beef has a rich buttery flavor profile with exceptional tenderness. We never use hormones, steroids or antibiotics on our animals, and we personally raise our beef from birth to harvest in a responsible, ethical way.
We chose our wagyu cattle based upon their DNA, having healthy omega fats with a low melting point, similar to coconut oil.
127 S. Washington Street La Grange, TX 78945 | 979-540-7164 | THE SHELF Monday - Friday: 8AM - 5PM | FACEBOOK www.weisefarms.com [email protected] |
Get on the list! We are accepting deposits on whole calves, halves, or quarters that include the cost of custom processing. Buying in bulk is the most reasonable way to serve up healthy beef to your family all year long. It's like having your own freezer section at home https://www.weisefarms.com/product-page/deposit-on-half-wagyu-beef
When you buy from Weise Farms, you don't have to ask what country your meat comes from. We're from "the country" just down the road.
Thank you for letting us be your farmer.

We want to connect with you! Sign up for our emails to get first-in-line special offers, product updates, farmers market reminders and notifications about new blog posts featuring stories about our life on the farm.
Weise Farms is a vendor at the Winchester Farmers Market on the first Saturday of every month from 8:30 to noon at Zilss Hall, 108 Memorial Hall St in Winchester. Order ahead and pickup at the market!
THE SHELF Weise Farms is like an online farmers market with in person shopping at "The Shelf" in La Grange. Our little storefront is located at 127 S. Washington Street, La Grange, inside The Fayette County Record office, first door to the right.
It is open Monday - Friday from 8am - 5pm, with wagyu beef pre-order pickups Tuesday - Friday from 9am to noon.
Visits to the farm are by appointment only. Please call (979) 540-7164 to set up an appointment.